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Profession: Electrical Engineer Night: Indie Video Game developer Interest: Guitar Player, Center Left Politics, Poetry, Women Status: In a relationship

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I just don't get the Republican party these days. If Obama had lost in 2008 at least McCain was a good man and we still might have been in ok hands, even though in my opinion not the very best hands, but at least qualified patriotic caring hands. People like Fred Thompson and others that even though there policy was on the opposite side of center than mine, they were good enough I guess to run the country. The GOP runs in the Kentucky Derby and leaves the prize stallion in the stable. They are so busy catering to the extreme fringe elements of the party that they have lost there way. They feel that the Super Packs can buy the election for a wishy washy flip flopper like Mitt Romney that can't even think for him self, and if that doesn't work they feel that all the voter suppression Jim Crow laws that the GOP have gotten passed in several states will get them in the white house. Now Mitt Romney doesn't like the same health care plan that he implemented as Governor. The same plan that President Obama patterned the affordable Health Care act after. This is an outrage. of course I will be hitting the pavement to help Obama secure a second term but it would be nice to know that if it doesn't go our way we will at least be OK. I don't think I can blame this one on Fox Cable News. There is systemic problem with the GOP. They have had to much tea at the party and need to sober up.